Republican Debate in New Hampshire. Axed as Nikki Haley demands Trump’s presence.


The forthcoming Republican presidential debate in New Hampshire has been cancelled by ABC News after Nikki Haley stated that she would only participate if former President Donald Trump also attended. This decision leaves Governor Ron DeSantis as the only contender who has committed to the event.

During her campaign in New Hampshire, Haley issued a statement expressing her unhappiness with Trump’s decision to skip the previous five debates and announcing that her next debate would be with either Trump or Joe Biden. Her attitude has also called into question another CNN debate slated for the following Sunday in New Hampshire.

ABC News spokesperson Van Scott recognised the possibility of hosting a debate following the Iowa caucuses, and Haley’s decision has prompted concerns regarding her participation in future events. In response to the scenario, DeSantis accused Haley of avoiding difficult questions and implied that she is vying for Trump’s running mate position.

Trump’s spokeswoman, Steven Cheung, slammed Haley as a “desperate globalist” who advocates for increased taxes, open borders, and Chinese supremacy in the United States. He said that only Democrats who back Clinton are interfering in the Republican primary.

Trump’s spokeswoman, Steven Cheung, slammed Haley as a “desperate globalist” who advocates for increased taxes, open borders, and Chinese supremacy in the United States. He said that only Democrats who back Clinton are interfering in the Republican primary.

In the previous GOP debate in Iowa, Haley argued with DeSantis for two hours, and some of her fans believe she lost part of her campaign’s above-the-fray demeanour. The criticism centred on repeated allusions to a campaign-run website and alleged name-calling.

When the GOP campaign moves to New Hampshire, Haley remains confident in her support and hopes to build momentum to oppose Trump. However, DeSantis defied convention by travelling directly to South Carolina, Haley’s home state, with the intention of competing strongly in the forthcoming primary.

Trump, whom won the Iowa caucus meetings flew to New York for legal reasons before travelling to New Hampshire for a speech. Despite invites from the New Hampshire Republican Party Chairman to both Haley and Trump, the debate has been cancelled, upping the stakes for candidates missing local events.

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