CEO Rakesh Deshmukh Departs as PhonePe-Backed Indus Appstore Gears Up for Android Marketplace Launch

Navigating Leadership Change: Indus Appstore’s Evolution and PhonePe’s Strategic Gambit in the Android App Market


In a significant development in the tech industry, Rakesh Deshmukh, the co-founder and CEO of Indus OS, popularly known as Indus Appstore, has stepped down after a decade-long association with the startup. This departure comes at a crucial time as PhonePe, the digital payments platform that acquired Indus Appstore, prepares to launch the Android mobile app marketplace in the coming months.


Indus OS, co-founded by Rakesh Deshmukh, Akash Dongre, and Sudhir Bangarambandi in 2013, carved its niche in the market by developing an operating system tailored for Indian languages. The startup gained prominence through strategic partnerships with various Indian mobile brands, creating a unique space in the competitive tech landscape.

Details of the Exit:

Rakesh Deshmukh announced his departure on LinkedIn, expressing gratitude for the remarkable journey at Indus OS and hinting at an undisclosed future endeavor. In his statement, he mentioned, “taking a moment to recharge and prepare for the next impactful journey.” The timing of Deshmukh’s exit adds an element of anticipation, considering the imminent launch of Indus Appstore’s Android mobile app marketplace under the aegis of PhonePe.

Implications for Indus Appstore:

The exit of Rakesh Deshmukh raises questions about the future trajectory of Indus Appstore. As the company navigates this leadership transition, industry observers are keenly watching how the new leadership will steer the ship, particularly in the context of PhonePe’s upcoming Android marketplace launch.

PhonePe’s Strategic Move:

PhonePe’s ownership of Indus Appstore signifies a strategic move to expand its footprint in the digital ecosystem. The impending launch of the Android mobile app marketplace is a testament to PhonePe’s commitment to diversify its offerings and provide a seamless digital experience for users.


Rakesh Deshmukh’s departure from Indus OS marks the end of an era for the co-founder, leaving behind a legacy of innovation and growth. As Indus Appstore prepares for the next chapter under new leadership, the industry awaits with bated breath to witness the unfolding developments and the impact of PhonePe’s foray into the Android app marketplace. The tech community will undoubtedly be keeping a close eye on this transition and its potential implications for the broader digital landscape in India.

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