Rage Coffee Hits INR 100 Cr in Cumulative Sales, Defying Odds in the D2C Space

Navigating Challenges, Defying Doubters: How Rage Coffee Brewed Success in the D2C Coffee Revolution

In a remarkable feat, Rage Coffee, a direct-to-consumer (D2C) startup, has accomplished a significant milestone, achieving a cumulative brand sales figure of INR 100 Cr in December 2023. The announcement comes as the company wraps up its fourth year of operations, signaling a momentous achievement for the brand.

Bharat Sethi, the founder and CEO of Rage Coffee, shared the exciting news on his LinkedIn profile. Despite facing numerous challenges along the way, including skepticism from some quarters, the company managed to overcome the odds and emerge as a formidable player in the competitive D2C market.

Rage Coffee

Sethi reflected on the journey, stating, “I’m delighted to share that a new-age coffee company that most wrote off before it started and many thought of as taking on a battle ‘not worth fighting’ hit INR 100 Cr in cumulative brand sales in Dec 2023 towards the end of its 4th year of operations.”

The achievement is particularly noteworthy considering the startup’s focused approach, offering a range of just 5-7 Stock Keeping Units (SKUs). This streamlined product strategy speaks to the efficiency and effectiveness of Rage Coffee’s business model, allowing them to navigate challenges and build a strong brand presence.

Rage Coffee’s success story is bolstered by a roster of prominent investors, including Sixth Sense Ventures and 9Unicorns. These strategic partnerships have not only provided financial support but have also played a crucial role in shaping the startup’s trajectory.

Looking ahead, Rage Coffee has set an ambitious revenue target of INR 500 Cr for the year 2025. The company’s ability to consistently defy expectations and achieve significant milestones positions it as a rising star in the D2C space.

As the D2C model continues to gain prominence in the business landscape, Rage Coffee’s journey serves as an inspiration for aspiring entrepreneurs and a testament to the potential for success through innovation, determination, and strategic partnerships.

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