Top 10 fellowships for startups

Certainly! Let’s delve into more details about fellowships, including their durations, structures, and benefits:

  1. Y Combinator:
  • Duration: Y Combinator typically runs in batches, with each batch lasting around three months.
  • Structure: Startups receive seed funding, participate in an intensive accelerator program, and gain access to Y Combinator’s extensive network of mentors, investors, and alumni.
  • Benefits: Apart from funding, startups benefit from mentorship, weekly dinners with successful entrepreneurs, and the opportunity to pitch to a large audience of investors during Demo Day.


  • Duration: Techstars programs usually last for three months, with the possibility of follow-on support.
  • Structure: Accepted startups receive funding, mentorship, and access to a global network of mentors and alumni. The program concludes with a Demo Day where startups pitch to potential investors.
  • Benefits: In addition to financial support, startups gain valuable insights from experienced mentors, access to resources, and potential follow-on funding.

3 .500 Startups:

  • Duration: 500 Startups accelerator programs often last for around four months.
  • Structure: Startups receive seed funding, mentorship, and access to a network of investors. The program includes educational sessions, mentor meetings, and opportunities for networking.
  • Benefits: Beyond funding, startups gain exposure to a diverse range of industry experts, investors, and potential customers. The program aims to accelerate growth and increase the likelihood of success for participating startups.

4.Venture for America:

  • Duration: The Venture for America Fellowship is a two-year program.
  • Structure: Recent graduates work in startup apprenticeships, receive training in entrepreneurship, and participate in a variety of professional development activities.
  • Benefits: Fellows gain hands-on experience in startups, build a network of mentors and peers, and receive ongoing support for their entrepreneurial endeavors.

5.Echoing Green Fellowship:

  • Duration: The Echoing Green Fellowship provides support over two years.
  • Structure: Fellows receive seed funding, mentorship, and access to a community of social entrepreneurs. The program aims to support individuals working on projects with a social impact.
  • Benefits: Beyond financial support, fellows gain access to a network of like-minded individuals, capacity-building opportunities, and ongoing support for their social innovations.

6.Kauffman Fellows:

  • Duration: The Kauffman Fellows Program is a two-year fellowship.
  • Structure: The program focuses on developing leadership skills for venture capitalists and innovation leaders. Fellows participate in a curriculum, mentorship, and networking activities.
  • Benefits: Fellows gain insights into venture capital, build a global network of mentors and peers, and receive support for advancing their careers in the venture capital space.
  1. Founder Institute:
  • Duration: The Founder Institute program typically lasts for about four months.
  • Structure: Startups go through a rigorous curriculum covering various aspects of building a company, receive mentorship, and have the opportunity to pitch to potential investors.
  • Benefits: In addition to mentorship and guidance, startups benefit from a structured approach to idea validation, product development, and market entry. The program is designed to help founders transform their ideas into viable businesses.

8.Global Innovation Fund:

  • Duration: The Global Innovation Fund’s support duration varies based on the needs of the funded project.
  • Structure: The fund invests in social innovations with the potential for large-scale impact. Funding is provided to organizations and enterprises working on solutions to improve lives in developing countries.
  • Benefits: Apart from financial support, recipients gain access to a network of experts, partners, and resources. The fund focuses on innovations that address critical social and environmental challenges.

9.Google for Startups:

  • Duration: The duration varies based on the specific program or initiative within Google for Startups.
  • Structure: Google for Startups offers a range of programs, accelerators, and initiatives tailored to support startups at different stages. This includes mentorship, access to Google Cloud credits, and networking opportunities.
  • Benefits: Startups receive support in the form of technical assistance, mentorship, and resources such as cloud credits. Google for Startups aims to empower startups with the tools and knowledge needed for success.

10.Startup Chile:

  • Duration: Startup Chile’s programs typically last for six months.
  • Structure: The program provides selected startups with equity-free funding, mentorship, and support to establish a presence in Chile.
  • Benefits: In addition to financial support, startups gain access to a vibrant entrepreneurial community, mentorship, and networking opportunities. The program encourages international startups to contribute to Chile’s growing innovation ecosystem.

These fellowships provide startups with more than just funding; they offer a structured environment, mentorship, and access to networks that can significantly contribute to the growth and success of the participating ventures. The duration and structure vary, but the common thread is the emphasis on providing comprehensive support to help startups navigate the challenges of building and scaling their businesses.

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